Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Painting Pledge - October Eldar FINISHED!

So, now that it's November the 7th I've finally ,managed to finish off the Eldar horde sitting on my painting desk... just as work is about to ramp up into a busy period again.

- 8 Guardians w/ Weapons Platform
- 30 Dire Avengers.

All done, washed, based and ready to go. One last thing I'm meaning to do is try out a transfer on the banners of the 2 Dire Avenger Exarchs I have with Direswords and Shimmershields. I don't normally do transfers, but I fancy giving it a go on these guys and start building more skills rather than my current base coat, drybrush, wash routine.

Anyway, enough words... Here's some pictures!

The horde on the painting table. Notice the still black undercoated Farseer in the top corner. I didn't want to rush painting him this month since he's such an ace model, I wanted to spend some time on him properly. You'll also notice the Weapons platform has no weapon... I forgot to undercoat them all - DOH!

Dual Shuriken Catapult Exarch who goes in the 9 man squad (lost a model somewhere and dunno where..) to provide a bit of extra fire. Likelihood is the Farseer will also join up with this squad, making it 10 man.

A Diresword and Shimmershield exarch. I didn't want to do the traditional blue coloured Dire Avengers as I felt they wouldn't tie in visually with the rest of the army. I don't mind with other Aspects, but I like the Chaos Black Legion approach, where they're majority Black Legion, but parts are still the old colour to signify them.

Lastly, because of my post about "things I always forget" and had a reply about Squad markings, I decided I'd incorporate them into the Dire Avengers squads now rather than later. So as you can see, there's 3 mohican patterns - Red and Cream (Where's Wally Squad), plain Red in the middle (Spartan Squad) and then Red and Black at the end (Dennis the Menace style).

So yeah, that's the first chunk of my Eldar. I absolutely love the Eldar model range, I'd love to get some more but I'm going to hold back until I see new plastics with a Codex and just play with what I have currently. It might get pasted, but meh, it's fun.

Also, if the pics look a bit drained of colour, I used an auto-correcter because they were a bit dark and the lighting in my house is a horrible yellow anyway.

Expect a post soon with my plan for November's pledge!



  1. Nicely done. The bone colour on the helmets looks really good.

    1. Cheers Adam! Pleased with how clean these came out compared with my Deathwing which were a bit sloppier.

  2. I'm more of a traditionalist when it comes to the eldar aspect warriors and work off the general GW colour schemes, or is that more to do with my lack of imagination or I'm never happy with the way I paint so work towards whats in the codex and hope it turns out OK lol. However, saying that I like the way these have turned out and the squad markings is an easy & simple way to distinguish squads in-game. The only army I've successfully given squad markings to is my daemon armies (daemonettes differents coloured hair and claws, bloodletters & pink horrors tongues, as I like all my marines, guardians and orks to be uniform - even the bases have got to be the same colour (Dang GW removing colours from their range half way through orks & blood angels).
    Once the whole armies completed it will have a consistent theme throughout. Though I suspect badgers just trying to camouflage his aspect warriors amongst his guardian squads ;p

    1. "Once the whole armies completed it will have a consistent theme throughout. Though I suspect badgers just trying to camouflage his aspect warriors amongst his guardian squads."

      If I paint everything Black and Bone I can bamboozle my opponents! Just like people having magical teleporting squads inside transports and such.

      "I'm more of a traditionalist when it comes to the eldar aspect warriors and work off the general GW colour schemes..."

      I do like the Aspect Warriors colour schemes and I initially did think to paint them all in the same way, but I thought having 3/4 of my Troops blue, in what's supposed to be an Ulthwe Black and Bone army might look too much out of place.

      I'll definitely be sticking to different coloured body armour for the other Aspects. Maybe not necessarily the same as GW's but they'll still be distinguishable.

      For example, I don't like the bright Orange of the fire dragons, so I'd probably do them as red body armour with a black and bone helmet.

      Maybe black and bone helmets are the way to tie everything into the force as a hole for the individual Aspects?
